The question is how will UNISON members vote?
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All Barnet UNISON members will be balloted in April and early May to elect London's representatives on the Service Group Executive (SGE) for Local Government. The SGE is the national body which oversees all UNISON issues affecting members employed in local government, including national negotiations on the pay claim and service conditions agreements. The Service Group covers members employed by Local Authorities and Further Education Colleges, Voluntary Organisations and private contractors which provide local services.
Elections of leading national bodies like the SGE are the keystone in UNISON's lay members democracy and it is vital that as many members participate as possible. Ballot papers will be sent to members home addresses from 7 April onwards and the closing date for their return will be Friday 16 May. If you have changed home address recently and have not notified your trade union you should do this now to ensure you keep your right to vote. Please contact the Branch Office on 0208 359 2088 or by email to
During the running of the ballot there will be a national helpline for members who do not receive ballot papers. The Branch will be publicising this number in early April. The ballot papers will include full information on the candidates and how to vote.
Barnet Branch is nominating the following candidates:
General Seat David Eggmore/Camden Branch