Monday, November 27, 2006

Fremantle workers update Nov 2006

Fremantle have written to Barnet UNISON complaining that our previous article was misleading. Firstly is is good to see that the Blog is being read.

So what was misleading?

The misleading bit is the reference to the 'fluctuation clause'. We reported "Fremantle and Catalyst have decided that it is easier to attack experienced hard working low paid workers than approach Barnet Council and demand they honour the contract.”

Fremantle insist this misrepresents the situation.............

But wait a minute.......according to our Regional Officer, Fremantle have repeatedly ignored our requests to hold off the attacks on Barnet Fremantle workers conditions until the outcome of their disccussions with Barnet Council have been completed.

So, Fremantle, how about an early Christmas present for your staff?

Call off your plans to attack their terms and conditions and start pursuing the REAL alternative....sitting down with Barnet Council to implement the 'Fluctuation clause'.

I am sure staff and relatives and the trade unions would fully support this initiative....let's work together.

We are waiting.....................................

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