Monday, May 14, 2007

Barnet College redundancies

Wednesday 16 May sees the Regional Officer Eddy Coulson leading the Barnet College UNISON team.

The redundancies are a direct result of the ESOL funding shortfall see link

What is the Government thinking?

We have seen fantastic work being carried out by FE colleges across London to address ESOL needs. Lord Leitch published a report at the end of 2006 on the very real serious economic risks if employers do not address skills for life needs. Yet at the same time the Governement announced plans to withdraw ESOL funding?????

Whilst it is good to see Ken Livingstone championing the issue, but it is only a stop gap measure.

Those UNISON/UCU members facing redundancies as a direct result of this issue would very much like to know where the future Leader of the Labour Party stands on this issue.
So the announcement on the UNISON website is welcome news for UNISON members that our union is going to press contenders for their responses on issues facing our members on a daily basis see

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