Saturday, January 26, 2008

UNISON Barnet College rep

Hello I am Eileen Hagger-Street and I am a Librarian. I know. Shocking, isn’t it? How did I get into this mess? Let me tell you.

I was drawn into it as a child. Right next door to my school was a place where pretty coloured picture books and exciting, magical stories were displayed on low shelves, with comfy chairs near by so a small child could browse these goodies in undisturbed peace. Not only that! They could take the books home! For no charge! Free, gratis and for nothing. And it was open Saturdays too, so I started sneaking in there even when not at school. My parents did nothing to stop this depraved behaviour, other than wonder if I might go blind with all the reading…

Is it any wonder that with such an appalling beginning I should end up as a Senior Learning Resource Advisor in Barnet College, and still hopelessly addicted to books and reading for the joy of it? Who can help me break the habit and become a good citizen of the Wonderful World of New Technology, with a First Class Silver Surfer Award? Well, I’m glad [or is it galled?] to say that I have taken the pledge to do my H&S training online, so I am obliged to to follow threads, chatlines, blogs and other Internet stuff to become a good H&S rep. Wish me luck. I shall be glad to hear from other reading addicts who need support.
Eileen Hagger-Street
Barnet College

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